
2014 New York Design Awards



Project Overview

The PowerClip is a device that gives first responders immediate access to power in the wake of an emergency. The compact unit provides an efficient and inexpensive power source to charge appliances through USB from a car battery.


The Power Clip LLC



Surya Mattu, an engineer with experience in designing extremely low power microchips. Surya has spent a lot of time working with electronics, from writing firmware and designing circuits to higher level application development. He is currently studying at NYUs ITP program where he is exploring imaginative uses of technology and how to add value to the lives of the people that use it

Robin Reid, is a technology strategist with years of experience of targeting product for optimal user engagement. As a veteran media executive, she has shepherded several multidisciplinary teams to output multi­million dollar, international productions. For the past 3 years she has been following her interest in developing and prototyping a variety of technology applications that address how innovative technology can improve quality of life.


Project Brief

This product was designed after NYC was struck by Hurricane Sandy. We found applications, close to home, as people were facing darkness and uncertainty. We witnessed the challenges that lack of power poses for first responders who are required to coordinate relief and evacuation efforts quickly and safely, and we developed our prototype.

The unit is light-weight, modular, and attaches to a battery so the power source can removed from a car or motorbike. This produces safe and efficient power that will charge any appliance through a USB port.

In the Rockaways, NY there were 100's of stranded cars, and people searching for power. One car battery could have provided immediate power for up to 34 phones.

We think this product has global potential for resource strapped communities, and should become a must have item for first responders in emergency relief.

Project Innovation/Need

The design of the clip takes into consideration universal design principles. We wanted to bring a user centric and creative design approach to a technology that hasn't been redesigned in decades. We wanted the product to excel in it's simplicity and emphasizes safety and accessibility. In today's environments, a person may quickly find themselves in the role of first responder in an emergency situation, and with the PowerClip they can count on their vehicle battery as a useful resource for themselves and their neighbors--our focus was on a simple solution that will grow in functionality over time.

The Power Clip improves on bulky, inefficient inverters that go from DC to AC conversion by being lightweight and going directly from DC to DC, and makes it almost impossible to short circuit.

Design Challenge

Narrowing and understanding our market has been the most challenging for us. The current phase of our design process depends heavily on what we determine are the biggest needs for our unique consumer.

We know that this product satisfies an immediate need, and has a strong emotional pull for anyone that has found themselves caught, and stranded in an emergency situation. We strive to follow the Universal principles of design, and are still working to make to make the entire usability experience easier and effortless. This is an ongoing aspect of our design iteration process for PowerClip.


The PowerClip is meant to give people the opportunity to easily convert and use the supplies that are easy to find in the wake of an emergency. One can use this product even if they are lacking in electrical expertise. We also know that in many countries overseas power sources are much less reliable than a vehicle battery. For those people, this product could provide both relief, and could be used to generate a small income for families that are interested.

This award celebrates creativity and innovation for either a product design at conceptual stage - an early sample or model of a product that has not reached the manufacture stage nor available to the market.
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