
2012 Mobile Awards

mobile, web, IoT, desktop, connected devices
design champion, best studio, best start-up & IoT
plus 20 specialist nomination categories

demand design, celebrate courage

Key Dates

Learner Driver Recorder (LDR)





Project Overview

LDR® - an iphone App designed to save lives on our roads

Learner Drivers in all Australian States are required by law to input entries into a log book before and after completing every driving session, until they reach their required hours.
Many agree that the manual method of log book entry is both tedious, time consuming and often confusing to calculate.


e-log Systems Pty Ltd


The project and creative team is made up of the three Directors of e-log Systems Pty Ltd which have contributed to the design, development and deployment of the LDR® app.

Len Markus - CEO
George Sabljak - Director PR & Communications
Bill Berkec - Diretor IC&T

Project Brief

LDR® is an exclusive Learner Driver Recorder tool, with its very own Certified Australian Innovation Patent, designed to enable Learner Permit holders have all their driving time accurately, efficiently and simply, logged and session authorised with a digital signature on the device.

LDR® has been specifically designed to ensure that all current log book requirements Australia wide are catered for. All driving sessions are submitted to the devices’ database, and when users are ready to upload to the website, all driving sessions will be saved onto a secure web server that is backed up on a daily basis.

Users simply log onto the website www.ldr.com.au with their own personal login/password, to either view or print off driving sessions in exactly the same format applicable to their state.

Project Innovation / Need

LDR® is a very innovative concept so much so that it was been granted a Certified Innovation Patent

It will ensure more accurate recording of driver training hours, and provide an evaluative analysis in relation to areas for improvement, thus helping to reduce deaths and injuries caused by car accidents.

The environment we live in today is moving more and more into a technological one, so it is definitely time for our government authorities to move into the 21st century and keep up with the “Gen Y’s and Z’s”

User Experience

Here’s how LDR® works.

With three easy clicks learners are on their way. This is very important as the users needed to have an easier and better way with which to record their learner hours.

Once the user downloads LDR® and registers their details, the steps before commencing each subsequent driving session are very simple.

Users simply:
-Go to the “Record Trip” tab:
-The devices' inbuilt GPS will find the starting location
-Select Car and Supervisor, but only if they want to change the default data
-Confirm or input odometer reading
-Click on "Start Your Trip"
-Click on "Stop Recording"
-The devices' inbuilt GPS will find the finishing location
-Confirm or input odometer reading & Choose the traffic conditions
-Supervisor signs off the session on the device
-Click on "Submit to your log"

Project Marketing

Our marketing demographic is the 16-18 year old.
We have used Facebook advertising, mail outs to High Schools, Media releases as well as attending various Expos and seminars which appeal to our demographic as well as some main stream media coverage.

This has engaged customers/users which has produced consistent downloads.

This category recognises the best new service or application on a mobile platform.
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